Eye-opening article in yesterday's Boston Globe re: student concerns
over the textbook cost issue at Harvard,with a headline that reads: "
In Harvard Square, a war over words". The first paragraph says that "A
battle over book prices is raging in Harvard Square between student
leaders and the Harvard Coop, the book store created by students 125
years ago to cut down on costs." Take a look.
For me, one of
the most interesting parts of the article was the number of states that
are introducing legislation in attempts to give students some relief: "Prices
of college texts have spiked so severely across the country that since
January, 86 bills to make them more affordable have been filed in 27
states, including Massachusetts, according to a national college
bookstore group. College students on average spend $700 to $1,000 a
year on textbooks, according to a May 2007 report by a congressional
advisory committee, which also recommended various solutions to reduce
prices, including creating online book databases easily accessible to
Is this a sea change or what?
Civil War at Harvard over Textbook Costs